Rabu, 08 Juli 2020

Jual 7.5 Digit Multimeter

7.5 Digit Multimeter

5075 7.5 Digit Multimeter digital benchtop yang menggabungkan kinerja tinggi dan akurasi dengan operasi sederhana.

Dengan kecepatan dan presisi, 5075 dengan gampang mengukur dari nanovolt sampai 10kV, dari picoamps sampai 30 Amps, dari nano-ohm sampai 1GΩ, dan dari picofarads sampai 300μF. Ini paling ideal guna pemakai yang memerlukan DMM hemat ongkos dengan tidak sedikit fungsi dan resolusi spektakuler serta akurasi sampai 7½ digit. Hal ini menjadikan 5075 ialah solusi serbaguna guna kalibrasi dan verifikasi laboratorium penting, yang merangkum berbagai software dengan keterampilan pengukuran yang paling baik, seraya tetap mengawal keandalan dan kinerja.

Mode Auto Dynamic Filter (ADF) memungkinkan 5075 7.5 Digit Multimeter guna secara otomatis memilih filter yang sangat sesuai. Bagi sinyal yang berubah cepat atau saat sinyal terhubung kesatu kali, pembacaan segera ditampilkan, tetapi andai input tetap konstan, masa-masa filter dinaikkan untuk menyerahkan pembacaan akurat yang lebih stabil. Jika input terputus, filter bakal segera pulang ke yang tercepat.

Operasi sederhana, semua faedah utama dari rentang opsi ke nol melulu memerlukan satu tombol tekan. Layar 24 digit yang besar mengindikasikan dengan jelas rentang dan bacaan dan bahkan dapat mengindikasikan waktu ke sampel berikutnya andai diperlukan. Fungsi beda dapat dengan gampang dipilih dari menu yang digulir.

Fungsi guna tes dioda / zener, maks / mnt, pengecekan puncak dan kontinuitas terdapat dan sekian banyak  peringatan yang bisa didengar bisa dipilih.

Fungsi grafik batang memungkinkan pemakai guna memprogram batas lulus / tidak berhasil  tinggi dan rendah dan berpindah ke mode tampilan bar. Ini akan menyerahkan indikasi suara dan visual untuk pemakai spesifikasi komponen.

Opsi pemindai 10-saluran termal rendah, memungkinkan tidak sedikit input diperlihatkan atau dikomparasikan tanpa ongkos tambahan dan ketidaknyamanan dari penataan switching terpisah.

Perangkat Lunak EasyCal - Mengelola, Mengotomatiskan, dan Mengoptimalkan Proses Kalibrasi
Hubungkan 5075 ke PC / Laptop melewati GPIB (USB opsional) yang diinstal dengan perangkat empuk EasyCal dari Time Electronics dan mengotomatiskan proses kalibrasi. Ini menyerahkan peningkatan kecepatan kalibrasi dan konsistensi hasil. Mudah menghasilkan sertifikat dan laporan kalibrasi ke ISO 9001, ISO 17025, dan standar kualitas internasional lainnya.

Spesifikasi 7.5 Digit Multimeter


  • 7½ digit resolution
  • AC/DC voltage & current
  • Resistance & temperature
  • Capacitance & frequency
  • 18ppm/year accuracy
  • 10 channel scanner option
  • EasyCal software compatible

Technical Specifications

Accuracy specified as ± ppm reading + ± Floor at default resolution (shown in brackets), relative to calibration standards. TCAL = 20°C

DC Voltage
RangeResolution (at default in brackets)90 Day ± 5°C1 Year ± 5°C
0 to 3mV / 0 to 10mV10nV (10nV)22 + 80nV30 + 80nV
0 to 30mV / 0 to 100mV10nV (100nV)22 + 800nV30 + 800nV
0 to 300mV
0 to 1V
100nV (1μV)22 + 8μV
12 + 6μV
30 + 8μV
18 + 6μV
0 to 3V / 0 to 10V1μV (10μV)12 + 60μV18 + 60μV
0 to 30V / 0 to 100V10μV (100μV)20 + 600μV30 + 600μV
0 to 300V / 0 to 1kV100μV (1mV)22 + 8mV30 + 8mV
0 to 3kV / 0 to 10kV1mV (10mV)250 + 1V350 + 1.2V
All DCV specifications ± 0.4µV
DC Current
RangeResolution (at default in brackets)90 Day ± 5°C1 Year ± 5°C
0 to 3μA / 0 to10μA10pA (10pA)150 + 200pA200 + 250pA
0 to 30μA / 0 to 100μA100pA (100pA)75 + 1nA100 + 1nA
0 to 300μA / 0 to 1mA100pA (1nA)75 + 10nA100 + 10nA
0 to 3mA / 0 to 10mA1nA (10nA)75 + 100nA100 + 100nA
0 to 30mA / 0 to 100mA10nA (100nA)75 + 1μA100 + 1μA
0 to 300mA / 0 to 1A100nA (1μA)150 + 10μA200 + 10μA
0 to 3A / 0 to 10A10μA (10μA)500 + 200μA750 + 200μA
0 to 30A100μA (100μA)500 + 2mA750 + 2mA

AC Voltage
RangeResolution*90 Day ± 5°C1 Year ± 5°C
0 to 30mV1μV0.05% + 4μV0.06% + 4μV
0 to 300mV10μV0.05% + 40μV0.06% + 40μV
0 to 3V100μV0.05% + 400μV0.06% + 400μV
0 to 30V1mV0.05% + 4mV0.06% + 4mV
0 to 300V10mV0.15% + 0.1V0.2% + 0.12V
0 to 3kV100mV0.15% + 1V0.2% + 1.2V
* Voltage AC + DC / Current AC + DC
Total measurement error will not exceed the sum of the separate AC + DC accuracy specification, plus one display digit.
All AC Voltages ± 50µV

AC Current
RangeResolution*90 Day ± 5°C1 Year ± 5°C
0 to 30μA1nA0.1% + 8nA0.2% + 10nA
0 to 300μA10nA0.1% + 80nA0.2% + 100nA
0 to 3mA100nA0.1% + 800nA0.2% + 1μA
0 to 30mA1μA0.1% + 8μA0.2% + 10μA
0 to 300mA10μA0.1% + 80μA0.2% + 100μA
0 to 3A100μA0.15% + 1mA0.2% + 1mA
0 to 30A1mA0.15% + 10mA0.2% + 10mA
* Voltage AC + DC / Current AC + DC
Total measurement error will not exceed the sum of the separate AC + DC accuracy specification, plus one display digit.
All AC Current ± 50nA

RangeResolution (at default in brackets)90 Day ± 5°C1 Year ± 5°C
0 to 30mΩ / 0 to 100mΩ10nΩ (100nΩ)70 + 2μΩ100 + 2.5μΩ
0 to 300mΩ / 0 to 1Ω100nΩ (1μΩ)40 + 10μΩ60 + 15μΩ
0 to 3Ω / 0 to 10Ω1μΩ (10μΩ)30 + 80μΩ40 + 100μΩ
0 to 30Ω / 0 to100Ω10μΩ (100μΩ)20 + 600μΩ30 + 800μΩ
0 to 300Ω / 0 to 1kΩ100uΩ (1mΩ)20 + 6mΩ30 + 8mΩ
0 to 3kΩ / 0 to 10kΩ1mΩ (10mΩ)20 + 60mΩ30 + 80mΩ
0 to 30kΩ / 0 to 100kΩ10mΩ (100mΩ)30 + 600mΩ45 + 800mΩ
0 to 300kΩ / 0 to 1MΩ100mΩ (1Ω)60 + 8Ω90 + 10Ω
0 to 3MΩ / 0 to 10MΩ1Ω (10Ω)100 + 100Ω150 + 120Ω
0 to 30MΩ / 0 to 100MΩ100Ω (100Ω)750 + 10kΩ1000 + 10kΩ
0 to 300MΩ / 0 to 1GΩ10kΩ (10kΩ)0.5% + 1MΩ0.75% + 1MΩ
2 wire ranges begin at 300mO. Accuracy applies to 2 and 4 wire resistances
PRT (PT100) Temperature
RangeResolution90 Day ± 5°C1 Year ± 5°C
-200 to +600°C0.001°C0.05°C0.06°C
NOTE: Only available in four terminal mode on the 300O range.
RangeResolution90 Day ± 5°C1 Year ± 5°C
0 to 100kHz1Hz10 + 112 + 1
NOTE: Frequency may be measured on either voltage or current inputs if the AC option has been fitted.
RangeResolution (5 digit)90 Day ± 5°C1 Year ± 5°C
0 to 30nF1pF0.2% + 20pF0.25% + 20pF
0 to 300nF10pF0.2% + 200pF0.25% + 200pF
0 to 3μF100pF0.2% + 2nF0.25% + 2nF
0 to 30μF1nF0.2% + 20nF0.25% + 20nF
0 to 300μF10nF0.2% + 200nF0.25% + 200nF
All Capacitances ± 1pF
Accuracy stated as 90 day and 1 year specification for all ranges ± 5°C in 6 digit mode for DC and 6 digit mode for AC.

Operation Specifications

Basic Functions
N DigitsChanges the reading resolution, which can be changed from 4 up to 7 digits, (depending on the scale selected).
NullNull facility is available on all DC ranges, Ohms and Capacitance. Null is not available on AC or frequency. When this key is pressed, the DMM will accept the measured present value as the zero value for the range selected. If auto-range is on, the unit will null each range. This is useful for cancelling an offset voltage or for zeroing the value of the test leads on resistance.
Auto RangingAuto-range (AUTO) will select the optimum range for the measurement. This will introduce very little delay for the operator. The indicator above the keypad will show when the DMM is in auto-range mode.
FilterThe filter alters the integration time of the reading. Filter times are 150ms, 250ms, 500ms, 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, 32s & off.
Internal TemperatureInternal Temperature controlled at 35˚C ± 2˚C with an ambient temperature of 20 to 28˚C

Advanced Functions
Ohms CompensationCancels the effects of any offset voltages by first measuring the input voltage with the current source on and the measuring the voltage with the current source off. The induced voltage is the difference between the two voltages, thus giving a more accurate reading. Can be used in 2 and 4 wire mode for measurements up to 100kΩ. Ohms compensation doesn’t work on ranges above 100kΩ.
Diode / Zener Diode TestThe diode test function will passes a current of 1mA through the diode under test and displays the diode forward voltage. May be used for zener diodes up to 10V.
Self Test ResetThe instrument can perform a self-test of all its digital circuits including the IEEE and RAM.
Max – MinThis function displays the maximum and minimum readings of the input. By using the up and down keys the Maximum, Minimum or Present value input may be displayed.
Peak HoldThis function will display the peak value measured. By using the up and down keys the Peak value or Present input may be displayed.
Component TestUsed for component selection. If a component to be tested must fall between a high and low value, component test can be used to make the selection process quicker. It provides a visual display which moves a pointer between the high and low values input, and also indicates whether the component is higher or lower in value than the high and low points if it doesn’t fall between them.
PRT TempPT100 elements can be measured and displayed in ˚C using this function.
Dual DisplayDisplay Voltage and frequency of the input or the current and frequency (if the AC module has been installed), for AC inputs.
Analogue FilterThe analogue filter can be switched into the input circuit to remove any high frequency noise that may be present on the input.
Auto Dynamic Filter:The Auto dynamic filter automatically selects the most appropriate filter period. The auto dynamic filter will increase or decrease the filter period (up to the maximum set using the filter key) depending upon the stability of the input signal.
Continuity / Sample BeepContinuity tests can be performed by selecting this option when in resistance mode. Any value below 30% of the full range will produce the continuity beep. Sample beep alerts the operator to a new reading being displayed.
Internal Date / TimeDate and Time can be displayed or entered using this option.
Internal TempThe internal temperature of the 5075 can be displayed and is updated approximately every 5 minutes. The internal temperature is used to perform an internal calibration when the temperature varies by 1˚C, thus insuring the temperature coefficient of the unit remains negligible.
Remote ControlThis instrument implements the requirements of the IEEE – 488/1978 standard. The IEEE – 488 interface, allows remote control of the instrument by a suitable computer or controller. Repetitive calibration work can be speedily and accurately carried out, giving printed results if required. The main limitations of the IEEE are :-
1) A maximum of 15 devices on the bus.
2) The maximum bus length should not be greater than 20m or number of devices x 2, which ever is the shorter.
Scanner OptionThe scanner option for the 5075 DMM consists of an internally fitted relay board. This board provides 10 input channels. Up to two boards may be fitted giving up to 20 channels. The relays switch all 4 input terminals: V+, V-, I+, I– to one of 10/20 inputs via the 25 way ‘D’ connectors. The scanner card may be used for voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, frequency, and PT100.
Scanner Specifications
Maximum voltage: 200V DC / 150V AC                              Maximum current: 1A DC / 1A AC
Thermal EMF: Less than 2μV per contact                        Contact resistance: Less than 150mΩ
Operating life: Up to 200 million operations                    Operating time: 20ms

General Specifications

Operating Temperature0 to 50˚C
Line Power110/220/240V AC, 50/60Hz
Standard InterfacesGPIB (USB adaptor optional)
DimensionsW423 x H89 x D415mm
Country of OriginUK

Jual 5075 7.5 Digit Multimeter

Untuk mencapai konsumennya di berbagai dunia, Time Electronics Ltd menunjuk PT Tridinamika Jaya Instrument sebagai penyalur 5075 7.5 Digit Multimeter dari Time Electronics yang terdapat di Indonesia guna dapat mengisi konsumen di Indonesia dengan pelayanan terbaik. Kami betul-betul siap melayani keperluan Anda guna produk dari brand Time Electronics Ltd. dan siap mengirimnya guna Anda masyarakat di kota-kota besar di Indonesia laksana Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Cikarang, Karawang, Bandung, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, Irian Jaya, Sulawesi, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan dan beda sebagainya. Tak hanya itu, kami pun menyediakan brand ternama lainnya guna memenuhi keperluan alat ukur, perangkat uji dan berbagai instrument evaluasi Anda laksana dari brand Honeywell, Hioki, Kimo, dll. Layanan kalibrasi, penilaian, pembetulan dan training dari kami pun menjadi layanan aftersales unggulan yang dapat memberikan kepuasaan terhadap semua pelanggan kami. Segera hubungi kami disini dan peroleh layanan dan penawaran harga terbaik khusus guna Anda.


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